Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Meet Brittany

So I am completely addicted to facebook...yeah, I know, who isn't these days!?  Anywho...I noticed a blog post in my feed from Sarah at Sarah-Beth Photography.  She posted an amazing get to know me type post and it inspired me to do the same!  She showed that there is no shame in putting it all out there!  And I want to thank her for that! :)

So here goes nothing...

1.) I am 25 going on 26 in June.  Geesh...I feel much older than that sometimes!

2.) I have 3 tattoos; one on my wrist (see pic below) and two on my back.

3.) I have 4 CRAZY pets; 3 dogs (Oreo, Zoie and Bella) and one cat.  The cat's name is more interesting.  I think today her name is Sophie, but that is subject to change without notice! Lol.  Usually, we just call her 'Psycho Kitty!'  And why you may ask...Well, she's CRAZY!!

4.)  I always thought that when I 'grew' up that I was going to be a doctor.  Well that didn't happen! (I'll explain why later.)  Currently I have three jobs...
-I am a photographer (which I LOVE!!!).  I love the freedom that being a photographer gives me.  I love interacting with my clients.  I love going to weddings and capturing those sweet moments between a bride and her future husband.  I love snuggling squishy babies (*swoon*).  I love when I am given the opportunity to photograph a couples' engagement session, wedding, maternity, and newborn images.  It is such an honor to be able to do those things!
-I am a thirty-one consultant.  I love this company because they are Christian based and are all for empowering women.  More importantly, they encourage women to follow their dreams.
-I am an Oncology Information Specialist at the IU Health Goshen Center for Cancer Care.  My job  at the cancer center is a rewarding one.  I act as the 'face' of the cancer center.  Whether it's a patient being referred for a brand new cancer diagnosis or they are scared and trying to figure out what is next, I am the one that helps them get to where they need to be.  It's such an awesome feeling being able to guide those patients to the most appropriate care.  I love being that listening ear and helping them understand that they are not alone...that I am here to help and will do anything that I can for them.

5.) I attended IU South Bend for biological sciences (with chemistry minor).  I still haven't finished and I'm not sure if I will ever finish that degree.  For those of you that already know me, you know that I am such a nerd! Haha!  I seriously have a chemistry textbook in my desk!  While I think being a doctor would be such an amazing and rewarding profession, my family comes first.  Unfortunately, med school isn't in the cards right now and I am really ok with that.  I feel emotionally satisfied with my job(s) now and quite frankly, I LOVE my photography!  I don't want to give that up.

6.)  I married the love of my life on August 13, 2005 at the age of 19.  It was the best decision I've ever made!  He is my best friend, confidant, lover, partner in crime, and the best second shooter EVER!!!  We were high school sweethearts but we attended two separate high schools (I went to Goshen and Robb went to Northridge).  We actually both started working at Old Country Buffet on the same day and the rest was history! Lol.
I love you, Robert Lee!

7.)  Ok...Now for the hard part. :(
As I said above, I am not a college graduate.  And I am really ok with that.  I was in school and doing quite well until 2006.  In 2006 my world was turned completely upside down!  

On the morning of August 18, 2006 I was getting ready for was a normal, sunny August morning.  It felt just like every other morning.  I was headed out the door when I got the call that stopped me in my tracks.  My mom had been murdered.  It was devastating.  I remember falling to the ground, unable to breathe, unable to comprehend what was being said.  She was my best friend and I, to this day, miss her dearly.  Her death left a hole in my heart that I'm not sure will ever heal.  

I will say this though, I am SO proud of her!  She fought until the very end and because of her my little brother is alive today (he is 8 years old)!  She was able to rescue him and now I can honor her memory by raising him.  I invite you to listen to the audio clip below if you want to know more.  I can't relive that at the moment, but I want to share it with you.  I want to put it all out there for everyone to see...good or bad.  What happened is a part of me and has helped shape me into who I am today.  I couldn't have asked for a better mother.
I love you, mom!

6.) Not to dwell on the sad things, but my dad also passed away.  He died in 2001 when I was 15.  He committed suicide.  Sorry to be so blunt!  Oh man...There's no easy way to say these things, so I guess I just have to say it!  We actually had an awful relationship and that's what I regret so much.  Home life was rather rough when he was alive.

So now that I have depressed everyone reading this, I will leave you with this last thought.  My reason for sharing these horrific events is to show each and every one of you that the things that happen.  They DON'T have to define you.  Yes they change who you are, but you should learn from them.  You never know when your life will end or how much time your loved ones have.  Tell them that you love them EVERY SINGLE DAY!  A kind gesture can go SO far.  You never know when a simple smile could make a difference.

I also want to encourage you to follow your dreams.  Nothing is impossible.  And I know how cheesy that sounds, but it's true.

Thank you SO much for reading this!  I wish my life was all rainbows and butterflies, but anyone's??  We all have tragedies that changes us, for better or worse.

Love always!! :)


  1. Wow. What a tragic course of events you have been through. :( I cannot imagine and am so sorry.

    I, too, have been through terrible events & agree whole-heartedly with you...these things do NOT define us & no matter how terrible they are, we can grow from them. I made this decision at 19 myself. I am a better Mama because of what I went through. I am sure your Mama is sooo very proud of all you have accomplished...and it's no wonder photography is so important to you. God Bless you.

  2. Britt~ I was a was also inspired by Sarah's about you blog and I yet need to write mine! Good job on yours and I see that what tragic things that happen in life can make you stronger....nice work even if I am crying right now! Thanks for sharing!
    Angie Marczak
    Amazing Portraits by Angie
